Wednesday, 13 June 2007

Fax & 3G don't mix ... or do they ?

For those who are still stuck in the 80's (you know who you are). The E90 might come as somewhat a disapointment. No Fax Support !

For some (I lean towards technologically challenged genes rather than nostalgia), they just can't shake off that FASCIMILE bug.

The world has tried many remedies ; GPRS, Edge, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, HSDPA, WiMax, EMail, THE INTERNET ! ... to name a few.


The E90 supports 3G which (rightly so) does not support fax. So, a company called "AirFax" (A half-hearted attempt at disguising their true self, Air Heads ... yes they are also from the 80s) provides a workaround.

Step 1: Tell ALL your customers/friends/fellow 80's band members that they have to dial the AirFax call centre number first
Step 2: At the prompt, dial in your mobile number
Step 3: Fax the documents to AirFax
Step 4: AirFax will inform you by SMS that you have a fax
Step 5: You tell AirFax that you want to retrieve that fax
Step 6: AirFax will sent that fax to your E90

(psssst ... Sending an email will eliminate Step 2-6 ! ... of course using AirFax will make you look 6 times more hardworking ... justifying the E90 that your boss gave you !)

The good news, its cheap as chips ... US$0.11 per fax forward (not per page).

The AirHead (Fax) program will be pre-installed in all Indonesian E90 handset. (We all know why ... that'll be another topic for discussion).

So there you have it, Fax service on the E90.