Wednesday, 27 June 2007

Singapore Launch !

E90 will be launched in Singapore this Saturday (30 June 2007)
RRP SGD 1,388 / USD 902 / EUR 670.

Some online shops already has stock for SGD 1,688 / USD 1,100 / EUR 815.

Indonesia is still holding prices up at USD1,620 ... good thing I held off buying ... suckers ! hahaha !

So, anyone going or transiting in Singapore can go get one (There's a huge phone shop at the airport !).

Sunday, 24 June 2007

New Firmware !

Barely out for a week ... Nokia has posted a firmware update.

Improvements include faster booting and overall performance and AGPS, allowing faster lock-on time to GPS satellites.

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Another E90 Video

Production version of E90 on video.
(Excuse the porn soundtrack !!!)


Tuesday, 19 June 2007

YouTube Mobile is Online !

Those with voyeuristic tendencies REJOICE !

YouTube Mobile is now online ! (Albeit with very limited selection).

Meanwhile, check-out this up-lifting video. Get some Kleenex !
(Thanks ATJ)

Sunday, 17 June 2007

Surprise surprise ... Nokia joined the profiteering bandwagon !!!

I was half way eating Yum-Cha ... chewing on a piece of chicken feet to be exact !

Nokia shop called ... "Your E90 is here" !

Woohoo ! ... I quickly asked the lady with a nice voice to reserve me a unit.

And then ... she said ... "You know what the price is don't you ?"

hmm ... bells started ringing ... innocently i said "10.9 Mil (that's US$1200)"

Nice lady (now sounding more witch-like) said "Sorry that was the launch price ... it is now 15 Mil (US$1650 !!! 37.5% mark up !!!)"

Enuff said ... on to the next chicken feet.

Thursday, 14 June 2007

Jakarta E90 launch ... well sort of !

750 units ... 3000 screaming sweaty school-girl-like fans !

I arrived ... I saw ... I left !

Wednesday, 13 June 2007

The brick and the carpark !

Yes Yes !
Porsche Vs. Corvette !
Precision Vs. Brute Force !
Open Source Vs. Billionaire Nerd !

Its The Humble Brick Vs. The Multistorey Carpark challenge !

Its the Symbian Nokia E90 Vs. Windows Mobile 5 HTC Advantage (And its evil twin the Dopod U1000)

Let Steve Litchfield show you the way !
(Smartphones Show)

E90 Launch in Indonesia

The E90 launched in Indonesia today (13 June 2007) to select Nokia community groups, business executives and members of the press. (DetikNet)

The rest of us commoners will have to queue up in the thousands tomorrow (14 June). Price US$1,200 (Mocha colour only).

I tried calling (local online phone reseller) this afternoon. Nice lady on the phone said they should have stock by Friday 15th June for US$1,650 !!!

Its ONLY a 37.5% mark up !

Fax & 3G don't mix ... or do they ?

For those who are still stuck in the 80's (you know who you are). The E90 might come as somewhat a disapointment. No Fax Support !

For some (I lean towards technologically challenged genes rather than nostalgia), they just can't shake off that FASCIMILE bug.

The world has tried many remedies ; GPRS, Edge, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, HSDPA, WiMax, EMail, THE INTERNET ! ... to name a few.


The E90 supports 3G which (rightly so) does not support fax. So, a company called "AirFax" (A half-hearted attempt at disguising their true self, Air Heads ... yes they are also from the 80s) provides a workaround.

Step 1: Tell ALL your customers/friends/fellow 80's band members that they have to dial the AirFax call centre number first
Step 2: At the prompt, dial in your mobile number
Step 3: Fax the documents to AirFax
Step 4: AirFax will inform you by SMS that you have a fax
Step 5: You tell AirFax that you want to retrieve that fax
Step 6: AirFax will sent that fax to your E90

(psssst ... Sending an email will eliminate Step 2-6 ! ... of course using AirFax will make you look 6 times more hardworking ... justifying the E90 that your boss gave you !)

The good news, its cheap as chips ... US$0.11 per fax forward (not per page).

The AirHead (Fax) program will be pre-installed in all Indonesian E90 handset. (We all know why ... that'll be another topic for discussion).

So there you have it, Fax service on the E90.

SDHC Works !

Contrary to what's stated on the Nokia E90 user guide, the E90 is NOT limited to 2GB of external memory.

Picture shows 4GB SDHC card on the E90 !!!

That's 2,000 songs or 25,000 photos in the old money !

Of course, what we really want is the recently announced (not yet released) Samsung 8GB Micro SDHC ! Which the E90 will also support.

Now throw away that iPod already !

Nokia support page is up.

E90 Support page is up !

Direct link to User Guide here (.pdf)

Messenger, Skype and Fring ?

One of the things that worries me with the Symbian platform is its compatibility running popular Windows applications.

In particular, MSN Messenger and Skype.

I am happy to inform that both applications should work on the E90 using this third party software, Fring.

It has already released support for the N95 (which uses the same S60 V3 FP 1 as the E90).

Specific support for the E90 hasn't been released at time of writing (Possible changes includes screen size tweaking and dual display for E90's massive internal screen). Yay !

Indonesia to get the E90 on 14th June ! Woohoo !

Found this in this morning's newspaper.

Its launching tomorrow at 10 AM. Should i bother lining up ? lol

Welcome to the E90 Nokia blog page !

This blog is dedicated to the recently released E90 Nokia Communicator Smartphone.

You'll find links to existing reviews and forums. I will also post pictures of my own E90.

Convergence, it's here !